There are lots of resources available to help you attract and convert new customers, but what about the ones you’ve already landed? Existing clientele is one of the most valuable assets your business can have. But what happens when those customers stop calling? If you can find a way to re-engage these long-lost patrons, not only will you stand out from the competition, but you’ll probably generate more business in the process.
These days, consumers are bombarded on a daily basis with emails, digital ads, text messages and phone calls. What they’re getting less and less of, on the other hand, is good, old-fashioned snail mail. Sending a note (preferably hand-written, if possible) along with something of value, such as an interesting article or a coupon, can really go a long way toward strengthening that relationship and reigniting interest.
Keeping in contact is important, but if you’re only reaching out with generic messages like: “Just wanted to say ‘hi’” or “Checking in to see what’s going on,” you’ll probably end up annoying your clients and driving them away. Make sure that when you pick up the phone or send an email, you’ve got something of substance to share. For instance, you might reach out to let them know about your latest product update, a new service you’re offering or a special deal that’s coming up.
Getting to know your customers on a personal level is super important when it comes to retention. The information you gain – such as family dynamics, hobbies, birthdays and other important dates – can become invaluable when re-engaging. When a client sees that you remembered his or her birthday and took the time to wish them well, you’ll forge a much stronger bond. (Pro tip: Use your CRM to keep track of important dates and other details.)
People love to feel special and inviting your customers to exclusive events is a great way to capitalize on this. If you don’t have the space at your place of business, rent a room at a local restaurant, hall or hotel and plan a gathering of your most valuable customers. Use the event to connect face-to-face, show your appreciation and share some industry news or insights. Hosting an event like this twice a year will ensure that you never lose touch with your clients for more than 6 months at a time.
Research indicates that it costs 5 times as much to acquire a new customer as it does to keep an existing one. If you’re looking for a way to boost your revenue in 2022 and beyond, you may already be sitting on a goldmine. Give the tips above a try and see if you can’t drum up some new business in the process.
Don’t forget to check out our services page to see how we can further assist you in more actively retaining existing customers or acquiring new customers, using a variety of marketing tools and techniques. You can also schedule a Free 30 Minute Discovery Call to get answers to a variety of marketing questions.