Design is encountered by all of us on a daily basis through mediums such as, online ads, tv, emails, billboards, and the list goes on. There is good and bad design and this can impact you positively or negatively. It also doesn’t matter if you have an eye for design, you can still catch an ad that looks terrible. If this is the case you’re more likely to disregard it. Now apply this to your designs, whether that’s emails, facebook posts, newsletters etc, are they good or bad? Are people likely to catch hold of it or disregard it?
Below are 5 key elements of good design that you can apply:
Symmetry and balance are really important components. The rule of thirds helps to achieve more balance and harmony when you design or take pictures. The human eye is drawn to symmetry. The rule of thirds allows the design to be interesting. Imagine a grid like the example below, keep objects and focal points at the 4 intersection points to achieve a balanced and symmetrical look.
Trying this out can make a remarkable difference even when taking your personal pictures. This rule can be applied to photos, websites and newsletters.
2. Site Hierarchy
Hierarchy is crucial for a good design. It is the act of making some features bigger than others to emphasise their importance.
An example of bad site hierarchy is when the designer has incorporated too much, making it distracting. Good hierarchy is easy to follow. It allows the user to know what the most important information is and give clear direction. Here is an example.
3. Site Typography
Typography is used on a daily basis through email, Facebook messages, designs and newsletters. Typography is all about getting your message across in the most concise and eye catching way possible.
This is an example of bad typography. The font sizes are inconsistent.
Here is an example of good site typography.
4. Simplicity
Simplicity can be key. Bombarding your audience with too much information or content doesn’t help. Your message needs to come across clearly in a matter of seconds. Remember the acronym KISS (keep it simple stupid).
Take a look at one of our recent advertisements which displays the rule of thirds, good typography, hierarchy and simplicity.
5. Care
Details matter whether it is an email, flyer or graphic design. The care you put into your design will show and reap rewards. In this generation we are all visual, a good design will lead to a sale or no sale. Keep these elements in mind when designing your next advertisement.
If you need assistance with the design process or any other elements of your website, take a look at the services section on our website to learn more or book a complimentary 30 minute discovery call to see if we can assist you. Click here to book your call now!