If you have just launched a new website for your budding business, then you are likely, hoping that your website will be a great place to generate a lot of new leads that will sooner or later, depending on the length of your sales cycle, turn into new customers. Generating high quality web traffic that converts to customers and clients is one of the biggest challenges a business will face. There are very many tasks involved in traffic generation. Below we will outline the 5 most effective ways to help you with the task.
If you want to target local traffic, then you need to target a local search with your keyword(s).
For example, let’s say you are a plastic surgeon practicing in the Boston area, what is it that those looking for you, would be typing in to find you in a Google search? Likely “plastic surgeon Boston” or “Boston plastic surgeon.”
You need to make sure that website pages have these keywords on them to help your pages rank higher.
This does not mean to keyword spam. It means to keep relevant topics on your sites and make sure that your keyword(s) is included in there.
If you are able to get Google front page ranking you are much more likely to have your customers find you so it is really worth the work.
This is so that when the searcher arrives, they find what it is they were looking for in their search.
Never copy what someone else has written and don’t make the common mistake of just rewriting something that’s already out on the web. You will connect and keep your visitors much better if you are offering brand new content that has not been read elsewhere.
There’s an additional bonus here and that is, the search engines will also like that you are posting completely original content and so it will help you to rank better in the search engines.
You can do this using some of the offline methods as well as the many online methods. This is critical if you wish to continue to bring visitors to your site.
In today’s competitive marketplace, having a good website is crucial for success. It’s essential to make the most of these tips, as they can be a huge help, especially when you are just starting out. Visit our services page or schedule a free 30-minute discovery call to learn more about how we can assist you with digital marketing for your business.