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The Savvy Marketing Makeover: A complete system that actually WORKS to get you CLEAR on your marketing!

Fed up with marketing strategies that don’t get you results?
REVEALED: A complete system that actually WORKS to get you CLEAR on your marketing!

IMAGINE: Marketing yourself so effectively that you attract all the clients you can handle!
(And not just any clients—your IDEAL clients!)

Ease your mind and enjoy more success when I take you by the hand and walk with you step-by-step through my Savvy Marketing Makeover program. Read on to learn more…

You probably got into your business because you have a mission. You want to help and serve people, right?

I understand it’s your passion—your purpose in life! So the question is why aren’t you doing it exactly the way you want to?

If you’re like so many entrepreneurs, it may be because you are struggling with your marketing.

You’ve done everything the marketing books and courses teach you, right? But somehow, it’s just not working for you. (And it’s not for a lack of effort!)

Perhaps you have begun to ask yourself: “What’s missing? Should I try harder? Do I need to be doing more? Is my message not strong enough?”

Does Any Of This Sound Familiar?

You Feel Frustrated

You feel frustrated because as much as you LOVE what you do and are driven to help others, you can’t seem to find the right words to explain exactly what it is that you do, in an impactful way. If only your words could really reflect your ability to make a difference!

Lacking A Clear Plan

You have studied marketing courses, you have gone to seminars and workshops, chosen a niche, and are doing everything the “experts” have been telling you to do… but you’re still just not attracting clients and customers the way you need to be.

Disappointing Results

You have given presentations, written articles, you have been posting on Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter, placed ads in newspapers or magazines and/or even taken booths at exhibitions… but still not enough people are coming through your door.

Ineffective Tactics

You have gone to all the networking events, handed out dozens of business cards and talked to tons of people… but you’re not finding the clients you really want to work with? You wonder: where can I find them and what do I need to do to get them to work with me?

Maybe you’ve even reached the end of the line. If you don’t turn this around soon, you might just have to give up on your dreams and find a “job”.
(How can you keep spending money on a business that isn’t making any?)



It’s not your fault. You’re not doing anything “wrong”.

The problem is that most marketing courses don’t teach you the number one, most important, most vital element of ALL your marketing efforts.
The foundation.

BUT I DO.....


If you can identify with the above, then it is time for you to get crystal clear in your own mind as to who you are, what service you provide, how you impact your clients, and even more importantly, who your ideal client really is.

Your Ideal Client is not a “niche”; rather, this is much more specific. That’s why choosing a niche without identifying your Ideal Client can lead to compromising your mission and a lot of wasted time, effort and money.

Here’s the great news: I can lead you through the steps you must take in order to laser-focus your marketing… so that it not only works for you, but it works effectively.

My Savvy Marketing Makeover Program is a multi-module program that will get you clear, get you strategic, get you moving and start enjoying the type of business that you are striving for!

This is the program I  wish I had when I started my first business.

Throughout this program, I share the same methods with you that have worked for hundreds of my private clients over the last 15+ years of working with businesses just like yours.

I teach you to laser-focus your marketing, so it finally works for you!



Here is an overview of what you can expect to learn with the Savvy Marketing Makeover Program:


Ideal Customer Avatar

A customer avatar is a fictional character that represents your ideal prospect. By defining who this is for your business, it will help you understand the motivating beliefs, fears and secret desires that influence your customer’s buying decisions.

So what you will learn in this fundamental first module of the program is:

  • Why what you’ve likely been told before about choosing your target market is useless.
  • A proven methodology for going deeper than you’ve gone before if you’ve done anything like this.
  • Why getting to know your customer’s irrational fears and deepest desires is vital for a compassionate, connected and profitable business.
  • Finally discover and claim your Ideal Client — get this foundation right and all your marketing becomes easy. (Not knowing your Ideal Client IS a recipe for disaster… so avert it now!)

Tune in to your Ideal Client’s frequency, join their wavelength, and choose the words that inspire them to say “I need that!”.

Once you define who your ideal client is, building the other critical components of a winning marketing campaign will become so much easier!




Your Competitive Intelligence Program

Every business has competitors, and you need to take the time to discern who your customers can approach to get a product or service that fills the same need yours does.

You will obtain a huge advantage over your competitors by keeping track of them on as many fronts as possible, assessing their strengths and weaknesses, and ghosting the leaders in your market.

In order to do that, you need to set up an ongoing process for gathering the competitive intelligence (CI) needed to conduct an accurate analysis.

In this module you will:

  • Start Your Competitive Intelligence Program.
  • Implementing Your SWOT Analysis.
  • Begin to understand how to create uncontested market spaces.
  • Discover how to stop going head to head with your competition and find untapped new market spaces ripe for growth.
  • Learn a systematic approach to making the competition irrelevant.


Unique Selling Proposition (USP) and Guarantee

In this critical module we are going to be taking all of the information you gathered in the previous modules and we are going to develop a powerful Unique Selling Proposition (USP) and Guarantee for your business.

Your USP is your answer to the question, “What do you do better than anybody else in the world. . . and why should I buy from YOU, right now?”

Your unique selling proposition is the single, unique benefit, essence, appeal or big promise you hold out to the prospect – one no other competitor offers that motivates the prospect to take action.

When you have completed this module you will understand exactly how to:

  • Craft a powerful USP that helps your prospects answer the question of “Why should they buy from you over all other options”.
  • You will learn how to attract attention.
  • Distinguish your business from the competition.
  • Motivate your prospects to action.
  • Implement risk reversal into your business to make buying from you easier.

By the time you finish this module, you’ll have your own USP and guarantee. You will be amazed at what happens when you develop your very own USP and guarantee and you infuse it right into the very core of your marketing message – how much EVERYTHING in your business turns around.

It’s the difference between between being number one in your market or being number seven, between owning a thriving, profitable business or a struggling one.




Messaging and Copywriting

Following on from crafting your USP which will form the foundation of your savvy marketing message. We now need to expand out the words you will use to communicate the value your business delivers.

In this module you will find your own authentic marketing voice instead of latching onto what someone else thinks ‘your market’ will like, or what will sell.

Discover your own “savvy” words, which you’ll immediately be able to incorporate into ALL your online and offline marketing materials.

You’ll be able to develop the words and content to deliver a savvy marketing message in key areas such as:

  • Your website.
  • A Savvy 30-Second Introduction.
  • Powerful Headlines.
  • Business Card (Make it a keeper!)
  • Savvy Benefits.
  • Savvy Brochure/flyer words.
  • Bullets for sales page.
  • Posts on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.
  • Words for all sales conversations.

The Best part? It will feel SO natural and authentic! (Formulas and templates provided!)


Marketing Channels

OK, you know who to target, you know what to say to them, you know how to present your products and services so that your prospects can see the benefits in doing business with you and not your competition.

But you maybe wondering, now where the heck your ideal clients are? How are you going find them? Where are they hanging out in the highest concentrations?

This module is THE ultimate resource guide for finding them so you can STOP researching and START getting new clients, now!

You will save tons of time (and money) by looking through the guide to discover THE perfect places to show up where your ideal clients are hanging out.

When you have finished with this module you will have defined the best 3 to 5 marketing channels you should be using to get you business out there.

This section is designed so that you can be sure exactly what are your savvy, laser-focused, marketing channels are.

No more guess work, just the ability to find and claim your ideal clients fast and start racking up those leads and sales your business deserves!




Website & Landing Page Optimisation

Your website is the hub of your online presence and will be a critical tool in successfully growing your business.

So in this module we will take you through all the steps you need to ensure your site is effective in working as a sales and marketing machine and not just a boring online brochure.

In this module you will:

  • Define what the top goals of your website are.
  • Review your site to identify those common mistakes that hold many websites back.
  • Ensure that when visitors come to your site they instantly know what your business does and who your business serves.
  • Show the specific value you offer straightaway.
  • Discover the worst website disasters and how to make sure they don’t happen to you.

You will be guided on how to improve your site to boost conversion weather that will be a visitors to make a purchase online or collect visitors’ details through a form for follow-up marketing activity to convert to sale.


Email Marketing and List-Building Mastery

Email marketing consistently generates highest ROI of any marketing activity, but sadly most businesses are doing it wrong (or ignoring it completely).

In this module you’ll learn the three types of email campaigns and how and WHEN to use them.

You’ll also learn how to architect the perfect promotional calendar, and how to use automated email marketing to literally “sell while you sleep.”

By the time you finish this unit, you’ll be able to effectively monetize any email list list, while simultaneously increasing engagement with your subscribers.

In this module you will learn:

  • How to Design & Deliver Your Newsletter
  • Why email marketing is still essential to your success.
  • How to keep your business from turning into a newsletter factory.
  • The key to choosing the right ratio of content vs. promotion.
  • The reason why most entrepreneurs suffer from “newsletter overwhelm,” and how you can cure it forever.
  • The most important factor to guarantee your audience will LOVE your newsletter.



Offer, Pricing and Packaging

Creating Outstanding products and services that practically sell themselves. It’s time to hone in on your product and /or service offering.

So, here’s what you’ll cover in this module:

  • Designing Products & Services that Customers Love.
  • How to Deliver an Outstanding Customer Experience.
  • Big Secrets to Selling Loads of Anything.
  • Your Pricing Strategy.
  • Your 7 Step Checklist for High Converting Offers.
  • Easy Product & Program Delivery.

You’ll come away from this module knowing why it’s vital that your customers fall in love with your offerings.

Why being selfish is the key to delivering an outstanding customer experience. We’ll cover the easy button strategy that will take any offering from average to OMG.

And, one of my favourites, the before, during, and after strategy for blowing your customers’ minds every single step of the way. And finally, I’m gonna give you some ideas to get your creative juices flowing for your offerings.

How The Program Works

When you work with me on the Savvy Marketing Makeover on a one-to-one basis. Every week we will get together either live in-person or via Skype and we will work through each of the core modules.

As part of this program not only will I personally take you through each of the core modules my team and I will help you to implement your perfect sales and marketing funnel.

I will address any issues you may be experiencing or provide help and guidance on implementing the material into your business and provide you with any additional coaching you may need.

I have designed this program in this particular way on purpose, to move you through this material so that you can create your marketing as you learn, because I REFUSE to allow you to stick this product on the shelf or feel like you can’t use the material because it’s not exactly right for you.

Rather I want you to walk away with the clarity you need to take your business to the next level and start raking in the CASH.

This is a super powerful and innovative training, coaching and implementing opportunity. You’ll get the support you need to dig into your “stuff” and get clear.

That’s why along with the 8 core modules you will also get one to one coaching, training AND IMPLEMENTATION assistance – so you’ll have the chance to get everything handled as it shows up in the process.

These are highly interactive program with a ton of opportunity for personalized support from me to ensure you get the results you desire.

So Are You Ready To Take Your Business To The Next Level?

If you want to reach more of your ideal clients and grow your profits, then you must discover how to effectively reach people and make them excited to work with you. And that is exactly what this program was designed to do!

If you are ready to take your business to the next level of success, I can help you get there.

I’ve already coached hundreds of marketers, entrepreneurs and small business owners to get their marketing act together and increase their business 10%, 30%, 50% and even more.

And I offer you my complete, 100% Savvy Business Gals Money Back Guarantee. More on that below.

Because of the personal attention you get, I can only handle a small number of ambitious people in this program at a time.

My Savvy Marketing Makeover program will be so crammed with valuable and effective marketing strategies for you that I want to make absolute certainty that you get the support you need to implement all of these incredible learning’s into your business.

By taking advantage of this proven program, you’ll be taking your business in a new direction, attract more of your ideal clients, and increase your income right from the start!

So please don’t put this off. I don’t want you to wait weeks to schedule a time with me on my busy calendar or miss out on this opportunity to reach your business goals.

Above-And-Beyond Money Back Guarantee

I’m so confident that you will receive incredible value from our time together, that if after completing the Savvy Marketing Makeover program, and implementing the learning’s from the program, you feel we have not gone above and beyond your expectations and provided excellent value and the program has not helped you to move your business forward. Then we will refund your payment in full.

All I ask is that you fully immerse yourself in the program and all aspects of the training modules and your one to one coaching calls that I’m providing, complete the worksheets, and ask for feedback and support on our calls.

If you participate and fully complete all of the activities and materials, and you find the program isn’t for you, just let me know and I will refund your investment. (All you need to do is send us your worksheets to show us you fully committed to the process.)

And That’s My Promise To You.

That means there’s absolutely no risk to you – if you’re not happy you’ll be out nothing. There’s absolutely no reason not to add this level of support and training to your business.

As you can see I’m putting myself and my reputation on the line here to help YOU.  I’m confident that this proven Savvy Marketing Makeover program is EXACTLY what you need right now in your life and your business.

You Deserve to Invest in Yourself and the Future of Your Business

If this program sounds like it’s exactly what you need to take your business to the next level of success, then contact us by booking a discovery call below.

During your complimentary 30-minute discovery call with Rebecca she will be able to answer any questions you may have about the program, to ensure it’s a good fit for both you and your business.

Book Your Discovery Call Today By Clicking The Button Below.

Get Your Business
Laser-Focused Today...

Contact us now to schedule your private, personal discovery call with Rebecca if you're ready for GROWTH!

Hear From Some Of Our Amazing Clients!

val mullaly

I signed up for a one-year course with Rebecca Mahon regarding Marketing and Business Development. Years later I still see her as the ‘go-to’ gal when it comes to seeking marketing advice and support.

Rebecca has always impressed me as a friendly, sincere, extremely energetic and enthusiastic colleague, with great knowledge in this field. She is always well-prepared for training events and gives undivided attention and much practical support in one-to-one and team meetings.

Rebecca has on more than one occasion gone the extra mile to support me with my business and I heartily recommend her as a reliable and hugely supportive marketing adviser.

– Val Mulally, Founder of Koemba Parent Coaching

Rebecca has a brilliant personality and works really well with people. She has great ideas and is always very professional in her approach.

Also, Rebecca has over a period of 2 years, managed a business network for us where she has consistently stimulated interactivity and introduced concepts and processes to SMEs, which have both challenged and improved their performance.

– Brenda McGeeney, Dundalk Chamber of Commerce

brenda mcgeeney
Kathleen McMahon

I couldn’t have asked for a better outcome.

Rebecca’s great talent is that she listens to the client’s requirements.

She delivered exactly what I wanted, and more besides. I couldn’t be happier with the result.

Kathleen Mac Mahon, Author.

Rebecca was recommended by my accountant. She was able to do everything I wanted with very little fuss, she also understood what I was trying to achieve and made suggestions and gave guidance in a way I found supportive and helpful.

It actually affordable and I’m delighted with the results.

Rebecca knows her business, will save you time and money and delivers excellent results. I can’t recommend her highly enough.

Una Hearne, Transformational Coach

Una Hearne
Grainne O'Neill Transformation Tapping Master

I used the services of Rebecca from to help me with my Facebook marketing. I had been doing Facebook Advertising and while people were clicking on my link, these were not converting into sales.

Rebecca helped me to select the right target audience which was crucial to my campaign and also to develop the ad that I would use. This resulted in my course being 100% full!

In addition, Rebecca helped me to make some sense of my Google Ads, and is the next thing that I will be working on. Rebecca is easy to deal with, and has great patience to explain what and how things work. Highly recommended!


Grainne O’Neill, Transformation Tapping Master

Book Your Discovery Call Today By Clicking The Button Below.

Get Your Business
Laser-Focused Today...

Contact us now to schedule your private, personal discovery call with Rebecca if you're ready for GROWTH!